Feature #3383
openRule instrumentor needs refactoring
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While implementing aspect rerouter (#2462) and some other new CIF features (#2958), I have finally understood that RI needs refactoring. First of all RI is all-in-one script because of it combines:
- model database processing
- command stream reading, processing and generation
- processing of plain and aspect models, while aspect models are processed by either GCC-based or LLVM-based aspectator (#3236)
- correspondingly aspectator (CIF) interface (#1672)
- report generation
- caching
and there is not clear and good interface among these parts! A lot of data is transfered implicitly by means of global variables.
Then, RI works "linear". For instance, #2462 needs double "execution" of CC commands from command stream: first "execution" is for information requests performing; second "execution" is for standard instrumentation.
PS. While ldv-upload is uploading a large task to database it's a good time to post feature requests :)
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 12 years ago
- Category changed from 15 to Infrastructure