



Feature #327


Reasoning about pointer inequalities is necessary for analysis

Added by Pavel Shved almost 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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In C language two different stack-allocated variables always have different addresses at their scope. However, no reasoning about it is actually in use.

The same holds for memory regions, that are allocated via malloc and have not been freed at a program location.

This issue is formalized in two test cases in test_malloc.c file of blast regression test suite. Here's the code that demonstrates the problem:

int main()
        int a,b;
        int *p1=&a;
        int *p2=&b;
        assert(p1!=p2);   //BLAST doesn't think it's safe!
        return 0;

Options: -alias bdd -aliasclos -cref -predH 7 -lattice -include-lattice symb -include-lattice list -craig 2 -debug -bddprint -cldepth 2

Any possible help with this is welcome. I'd prefer to solve this problem and substantially use it in our models.

A possible idea is to implement this thing via simple instrumentation that should be inserted to BLAST. Since we only check non-recursive control flows, each variable will only have ONE address throughout the program run. Therefore, at points of their declarations (or at entries to proper functions), BLAST can issue dummy blocks that contain several "assignments" in form of "&local_var = 1", "&other_var = 2" etc. They will be then used in checking and it will prevent BLAST from adding predicate for each pair of variables.

However, this may lead to excessive payload on solver. So this idea was later extended to tracking addresses only of those variables that are interesting to specific models. For example, track mutexes only, drivers/char/ipmi/ipmi_msghandler.c:

static DEFINE_MUTEX(ipmi_interfaces_mutex);
static DEFINE_MUTEX(smi_watchers_mutex);


We don't need tracking other addresses (although we might want to), but we surely need tracking mutexes.

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to BLAST - Feature #1902: Function pointer inequality support for calls by function pointers OpenPavel Shved10/14/2011

Actions #1

Updated by Pavel Shved almost 14 years ago

Vadim had left the following comment:

A simple example where -include-lattice symb does not help.

Blast reports the code is unsafe, because it cannot tell &v2.t from &v1 where &v1 was assigned to local variable. (Explicit comparison succeeds)

void assert(int b) {
    if(!b) {ERROR: goto ERROR;}

struct A {
    int t;

int v1;
struct A v2;

void p5(void) {
    int *a;
    a = &v1;

int main(void) {
        return 0;

Snippet from drivers/mtd/ubi/build.c

Actions #2

Updated by Vadim Mutilin over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Open
  • Assignee changed from Pavel Shved to Mikhail Mandrykin
Actions #3

Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 13 years ago

Something was already done with it, wasn't it?

Actions #4

Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago

No, nothing has been done. Perhaps, Michael will make an investigation on this matter during his coursework, and we will backport it to BLAST.

Actions #5

Updated by Pavel Shved almost 13 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Mikhail Mandrykin)

Actions #6

Updated by Pavel Shved almost 13 years ago

  • Project changed from Linux Driver Verification to BLAST
  • Category deleted (BLAST)
Actions #7

Updated by Pavel Shved over 12 years ago

Today I fixed calls by function pointers (see 62d01f6), but they do not appear to verify programs where really different functions may be called.

The reason is pointer inequality: BLAST can't realize that the addressed of two different functions are different!

So this bug has another interesting implication... :-)


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