Bug #2160
openldv-online client hangs sometimes
After fixing of #2155 ldv-online works forever, but by some reason it hangs sometimes. Don't know source of the given problem so I assume the following workaround, restart ldv-online client, say, each 15 minutes.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 13 years ago
Add such cron script:
*/15 * * * * /home/ldv/ldv-online-client-restart-forcibly.pl >> /home/ldv/cron_forcibly.log 2>&1
where ldv-online-client-restart-forcibly.pl is:
open(FILE, ">>", "ldv-online-client-restart") or die("Can't open a fille");
flock(FILE, LOCK_EX);
# Forcibly restart ldv online client (see issue #2160).
if (my $pid = `ps aux | grep vsClient.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'`)
print("Kill ldv-online client.\n");
`kill -9 $pid` or die ("Can't kill ldv-online client");
or die("Can't start ldv-online client");
print("ldv-online client is running now!\n");
To avoid raises also add a lock wrapper to ldv-online-client-restart.pl.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 13 years ago
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
With a workaround specified it doesn't so critical.
Updated by Alexey Khoroshilov about 13 years ago
Does it kill a running verification task or just an auxiliary process?
Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 13 years ago
Alexey Khoroshilov wrote:
Does it kill a running verification task or just an auxiliary process?
I'd like to hope that it kills all running on a client ldv tools (both the ldv-online client and the verification process), but it isn't so easy... As I understand this may be related with a client-server architecture of some components and may be with a cluster support. Nevertheless, keep in mind that this's just the workaround and we should find out what's wrong with ldv-online client, why does it hang?..