Bug #2153
openldv-online doesn't work good with a new ldv-tools
Problems are connected with task statutes. By some reasons at the moment all tasks are "running" forever. I have spent a lot of time to find out what's the matter, but I didn't find the reason.
So I had to add one more workaround to a ldv-online face. At the moment it understands what tasks are completed by itself. Also I had to fix progress calculation a bit.
More over, it seems that this problem isn't the new one, since we see something similar earlier at the old site. I guess that the bug may come from awful integration between ldv-online and ldv-tools (in particular, with stats DB and may be with ldv-upload).
Updated by Evgeny Novikov about 13 years ago
Workaround is available in branch ldv-online-port, commit 3ce6d44. After all, I hope, that this will be a part of total ldv-online refactoring.