



Bug #1935


Blast 2.7 binary distribution is too binary-incompatible

Added by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Target version:
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Detected in build:
Linux x86
Published in build:


I ran the binary builds on quite a recent Fedora 12 machine, which makes the binary CSIsat not run on all but the distros released in 2010. Here's the list from AppChecker report:
Fedora 12 OK
Fedora 13 OK
Mandriva 2010.1 OK
openSUSE 11.3 OK
Ubuntu 10.04 OK
Ubuntu 10.10 OK

To fix this, both CSIsat and BLAST should be rebuilt.


blast- (6.77 MB) blast- 64-bit BLAST recompiled under CentOS Pavel Shved, 11/15/2011 07:55 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago

  • Subject changed from Blast 2.7 32-bit binary distribution is too binary-incompatible to Blast 2.7 binary distribution is too binary-incompatible
  • Due date set to 11/18/2011
  • Status changed from New to Open
  • Assignee set to Pavel Shved

Some of our users have reported that they can't BLAST 2.7 built from sources (let alone the binary release) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client release 5.7. The error that is shown is obviously the binary csisatServer's complaints on missing symbols that are partly chewed by a parser in BLAST:

Ack! The gremlins again!: Failure("error when reading CSIsat output: Foci interface: cannot find matching symbol for csisatServer:")
Fatal error: exception Failure("error when reading CSIsat output: Foci interface: cannot find matching symbol for csisatServer:")

A suggested temporal solution is to get csisat and csisatServer from 2.6 release, and copy them into 2.7 folder, overwriting the newer ones. You might also need to revert d3b65a8.

I guess, Red Hat 5 is a good target for our binary releases. I'll create and upload the appropriate files by the end of the week.

Actions #2

Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 13 years ago

Are you sure that just one fresh distributive has such the problem? May be we also should test, say, 10 other popular distributives as well and create binary distribution for them...

Actions #3

Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago

First, we have Linux App Checker, and I did use it for checking BLAST ;-) So we can safely avoid creating per-distribution packages. Besides, BLAST doesn't need much from a distribution.

Second, I wouldn't call RHEL 5 a "fresh distributive" (perhaps, that's why we have this problem ;-) ). 5.0 was released in 2007, and it seems that it was very conservative in updating the API throughout the whole 5.* series.

Actions #4

Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago

I recompiled the tool on CentOS 5.7. The package is attached.

Actions #5

Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Resolved

I've rebuilt all the binaries. Appchecker reports that BLAST builds are only incompatible with such distros as SLES 10, RHEL 4, Mandriva 2007.0. Besides, the users that have used the binaries attached to the previous comment confirmed it works.

If anyone encounters issues with distribution compatibility, please, try downloading releases from the files page!

Actions #6

Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 13 years ago

Should be closed?

Actions #7

Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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