Feature #1886
closedFunction pointer calls if there's only one potential function to call is required
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BLAST had some support for function pointer calls, and it may be turned on with -fp
option. However, it didn't work.
I turned it back on, and fixed post- and precondition for such pointer function calls. However, I stumbled into two issues:
- Handling of Return-s from called-by-pointer functions is buggy. It prints an exception.
- Function pointers that may be distpatched to several functions can't be verified correctly because pointer inequality problem. See bug #327 and the test source:tests/files/callfpointer_distpatch.c
I think, at least the first issue should be fixed prior to the competition.
Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago
The first issue if fixed in 2106241.
I also fixed an issue with termination of analysis if no aliases of a function pointer was found. Instead, BLAST now skips this call even in -fp
Now, only function pointer inequality issue remains.
Updated by Pavel Shved over 13 years ago
- Subject changed from Function pointer support is required to Function pointer calls if there's only one potential function to call is required
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Ok, what was required for the competition is fixed. The rest of the function dispatching issue is discussed in #1902.