Bug #10784
closedKlever fails with "identifier: Ensure this field has no more than 255 characters."
I launched a job, some tasks were successfully solved, but at some point I had decision(corrupted) and error message "identifier: Ensure this field has no more than 255 characters."
Updated by Evgeny Novikov almost 4 years ago
- Category set to Bridge
- Assignee set to Vladimir Gratinskiy
- Priority changed from Normal to Urgent
- Target version set to 3.2
This completely breaks the workflow for some users and there is no simple workarounds (it is even unclear what causes the issue). So, it has sense to fix this bug.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov almost 4 years ago
I did a temporary workaround in branch temp-shorter-ids that will provide ugly checksums rather than pretty program fragment names. This workaround affects just Core, that is you will be able to revert it without any consequences for your Klever instances when a proper solution will be available.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov almost 4 years ago
- Priority changed from Urgent to High
The workaround helped to identify the reason led to the bug. There were too long program fragment names that are included into report identifiers. After we fixed the issue has gone. Thus it is not so crucial now.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 3 years ago
Within the given issue I suggest just to improve the error message, namely, to print identifiers causing such the problems.
Potentially it is possible to completely get rid of these issues by introducing an intermediate level of identifiers as Vladimir suggested. This is hard to implement. I don't think that we need to do this since the issue happened once upon a time and I do not expect that it will happen often in future.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 3 years ago
- Category changed from Bridge to Infrastructure of Core
- Assignee changed from Vladimir Gratinskiy to Evgeny Novikov
I suggest to perform this check in Klever Core and fail if this does not pass. One small advantage in comparison with checking in Bridge is that the exception will point out particular places from where large identifiers come.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 3 years ago
- Blocked by Bug #10874: klever.core.components.launch_queue_workers does not propagate worker exceptions when fail_tolerant is set to True added
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I implemented the necessary check in branch check-large-ids. Let's wait for CI since sometimes it catches weird bugs.
Updated by Evgeny Novikov over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
CI did catch the bug. It turned out that identifiers of requirement specifications intended for testing EMG and environment model specifications were so long that they caused exceptions. I replaced "environment model specifications" with "EMG" in these names and then tests passed. I merged the branch to master in b1b4595f2.