


Bug #10027 » lemma_functions_linked_n.h

Denis Efremov, 01/10/2020 01:44 AM

/*@ requires linked_n(NULL, array, index, n, NULL);
ensures (n == 0 );
assigns \nothing ;
void linked_n_starting_from_null_empty(struct list **array, int index, int n);

requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires linked_n (root, array, index, n, bound);
assigns \nothing ;
ensures \forall int j ; index <= j < index+n ==> \valid(array[j]);
void linked_n_all_elements_valid(struct list * root, struct list * bound,
struct list **array, int index, int n);

/*@ requires linked_n(root, array, index, n, bound);
@ requires n> 0;
@ ensures \valid(root);
void linked_n_first_valid(struct list * root, struct list * bound,
struct list **array, int index, int n);

requires linked_n(root, array, index, n, bound);
assigns \nothing ;
ensures ((n == 0 && 0 <= index <= MAX_SIZE) ||
(n > 0 && 0 <= index < MAX_SIZE));
void linked_n_bounds(struct list * root, struct list * bound,
struct list **array, int index, int n);

requires Linked : linked_n (root, array, index, n, bound);
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires 0 <= index ;

assigns \nothing ;
ensures \valid(array[index .. index + n - 1]) ;
void linked_n_valid_range(struct list* root, struct list* bound,
struct list** array, int index, int n);

requires Linked : linked_n (root, array, index, n, bound);
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires 0 <= index && 0 < n ;

assigns \nothing ;
ensures \forall integer k ; index < k < index + n ==>
array[k - 1]->next == array[k] ;
ensures array[index+n-1]->next == bound ;
void linked_n_next_of_all_indexes(struct list* root, struct list* bound,
struct list** array, int index, int n);

requires Linked : linked_n (root, array, index, n, bound);
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires 0 <= index && 0 < n ;

assigns \nothing ;

ensures linked_n (root, array, index, n-1, array[index + n - 1]);
void linked_n_before_last(struct list* root, struct list* bound,
struct list** array, int index, int n);

requires Linked : linked_n (root, array, index, n + k, bound);
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires 0 <= index ;
requires 0 < n && k >= 0 ;
requires b0 == array[index + n - 1]->next ;
assigns \nothing ;

ensures linked_n(root, array, index, n, b0) ;
ensures linked_n(b0, array, index + n, k, bound);
void linked_n_split_segment (struct list* root, struct list* bound,
struct list** array, int index, int n, struct list* b0, int k);

requires Linked : linked_n (root, array, index, n + k, bound);
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires 0 <= index ;
requires 0 < n && k > 0 ;
requires b0 == array[index + n] ;
assigns \nothing ;

ensures linked_n(root, array, index, n, b0) ;
ensures linked_n(b0, array, index + n, k, bound);
void linked_n_split_segment_direct (struct list* root, struct list* bound,
struct list** array, int index, int n, struct list* b0, int k);

requires Linked : linked_n (root, array, index, n + 1, bound);
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires n > 0 ;
requires b0 == array[index + n - 1]->next ;
assigns \nothing ;
ensures linked_n(root, array, index, n, b0);
ensures linked_n(b0, array, index + n, 1, bound);
void linked_n_split_segment_right (struct list* root, struct list* bound,
struct list** array, int index, struct list* b0, int n);

requires Linked : linked_n (root, array, index, n + 1, bound);
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires n > 0 ;
requires b0 == array[index + n - 1]->next ;
assigns \nothing ;
ensures linked_n(root, array, index, n, b0);
ensures linked_n(b0, array, index + n, 1, bound);
void linked_n_split_segment_right_direct (struct list* root, struct list* bound,
struct list** array, int index, struct list* b0, int n);

requires Linked_1: linked_n(root, array, index, n, b0) ;
requires Linked_2: linked_n(b0, array, index + n, k, bound) ;
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires n >= 0 && k >= 0 ;
assigns \nothing ;

ensures linked_n(root, array, index, n + k, bound);
void linked_n_merge_segment(struct list *root, struct list* bound,
struct list**array, int index, int n, struct list *b0, int k);

requires Linked_1: linked_n(root, array, index, n, b0) ;
requires Linked_2: linked_n(b0, array, index + n, 1, bound) ;
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires n >= 0 ;
assigns \nothing ;

ensures linked_n(root, array, index, n + 1, bound);
void linked_n_merge_segment_right(struct list *root, struct list* bound,
struct list**array, int index, int n, struct list *b0);

requires Linked : linked_n (root, array, index, n, bound);
requires ValidArray : \valid( array + (0 .. MAX_SIZE - 1) );
requires 0 <= index ;

assigns \nothing ;

ensures \forall integer i ; index <= i < index+n ==>
linked_n(array[i], array, i, n - (i - index), bound) ;
void linked_n_all_elements(struct list* root, struct list* bound,
struct list** array, int index, int n);

Usage of stay_linked
stay_linked(Label_1, Label_2, root, bound, array, index, n) ;

The preprocessor will unfold it as a block containing a specified loop.
To be proved, the invariant of the loop requires to use the function:
at the program point Label1. Basically, the scheme to use stay_linked
is :

linked_n_all_elements(root, bound, array, index, n) ;

//some operations

// Here we must be able to establish unchanged{L1,L2}(array, index, index+n) ;
stay_linked(L1, L2, root, bound, array, index, n) ;

#define stay_linked(L1, L2, __sl_rt, __sl_bnd, __sl_arr, __sl_idx, __sl_n) \
/@ assert unchanged{L1,L2}(__sl_arr, __sl_idx, __sl_idx + __sl_n); @/ \
if(__sl_n != 0){ \
struct list* c = __sl_bnd ; \
/@ \
loop invariant 0 <= __sl_i <= __sl_n ; \
loop invariant \
linked_n{L1}(c, __sl_arr, __sl_idx+__sl_i, __sl_n - __sl_i, __sl_bnd) ; \
loop invariant \
linked_n{L2}(c, __sl_arr, __sl_idx+__sl_i, __sl_n - __sl_i, __sl_bnd) ; \
loop assigns __sl_i, c; \
loop variant __sl_i ; \
@/ \
for(int __sl_i = __sl_n ; __sl_i > 0 ; --__sl_i) \
c = __sl_arr[__sl_idx + __sl_i - 1] ; \
/@ assert linked_n{L2}(__sl_rt, __sl_arr, __sl_idx, __sl_n, __sl_bnd); @/ \
} else { \
/@ assert linked_n{L2}(__sl_rt, __sl_arr, __sl_idx, 0, __sl_bnd); @/ \
} \
/@ assert linked_n{L2}(__sl_rt, __sl_arr, __sl_idx, __sl_n, __sl_bnd); @/