


Getting Started with x86 » block_0000.s

Alexander Protsenko, 04/06/2017 05:55 PM

; This test program was automatically generated by the MicroTESK tool
; Generation started: Thu Apr 06 17:36:12 MSK 2017
; Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS)
; 25 Alexander Solzhenitsyn st., Moscow, 109004, Russia

; Prologue

section .text
global _start


; Test Case 0 (block.rb:28)

; Preparation
mov BX, 43715

; Stimulus
mov AX, BX
sub CX, DX
add SI, DX

; Test Case 1 (block.rb:35)

; Preparation
mov BX, 8811

; Stimulus
mov AX, BX
add CX, DX
sub BX, DX

; Test Case 2 (block.rb:42)

; Preparation
mov BX, 45173

; Stimulus
mov AX, BX

; Test Case 3 (block.rb:42)

; Preparation
mov DX, 49059
mov CX, 10279

; Stimulus
sub CX, DX

; Test Case 4 (block.rb:42)

; Preparation
mov CX, 2237

; Stimulus
add CX, CX

; Test Case 5 (block.rb:50)

; Preparation
mov BX, 51568
mov DX, 57001
mov CX, 63096

; Stimulus
mov AX, BX
sub CX, DX

; Test Case 6 (block.rb:50)

; Preparation
mov DX, 64044
mov CX, 23991
mov AX, 14080

; Stimulus
sub CX, DX
sub CX, AX

; Test Case 7 (block.rb:50)

; Preparation
mov BX, 42950
mov AX, 2216

; Stimulus
add AX, BX
mov AX, BX

; Test Case 8 (block.rb:50)

; Preparation
mov BX, 5917
mov AX, 46603

; Stimulus
add AX, BX
sub AX, AX

; Test Case 9 (block.rb:63)

; Preparation
mov CX, 42659
mov DX, 45040
mov DI, 3291
mov AX, 54061
mov BX, 3252

; Stimulus
or CX, DX
; Atomic starts
and DI, DI
; Atomic ends
sub BX, AX

; Epilogue

mov AX, 1
;system call number (sys_exit)
int 128
;call kernel
