1. User with root privelegies creates a user 'ldv' (password as usual 'uVIZ...') in group 'users' on linuxtesting2.org.
adduser --ingroup users ldv
2. Limit ldv user home directory size with 20Gb by means of instructions like those http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/limit-users-home-directory-size-376354/. Instead of hand mounting, write to /etc/fstab /home/ldv.filesystem /home/ldv/ ext4 rw,loop 0 0.
tar -cvf /home/ldv.tar /home/ldv/
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/ldv.filesystem bs=1G count=20
mkfs.ext4 /home/ldv.filesystem (?)
write to fstab
3. Enable permissions for ldv user to the created limited directory.
chown -R ldv:users /home/ldv
4. Extract back /home/ldv.tar.
5. Install locally ldv-online (because of 1936 issue I have to install all tools not only required by ldv-online. Turn off cluster by hand in Makefile to avoid unneeded dependencies).
sudo prefix=/home/joker/work/14_driver/test_ldv_tools_temp make install-all
6. Copy installed ldv tools to the site.
scp -r ../../test_ldv_tools_temp ldv@linuxtesting2.org:/home/ldv/ldv-tools
7. Adjust ldv-online server config on linuxtesting2.org.
WorkDir=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/tmp/ (should we create a direcrtory?)
StatsDBUser=ldv_user (should we create a given db?)
ModelsDBPath=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/kernel-rules/model-db.xml (this should be known automatically)
ErrorTraceVisualizer=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/bin/error-trace-visualizer.pl (as well)
WSTempDir=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/tmp/ (the same as WorkDir... comment states that this directory should be writeable for www users)
# In correspondence with the Nice table: http://itgdev.intra.ispras.ru/wiki/index.php/Nice_table
wwwdocs=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/tmp/ (don't understand what is this, so make it to be temporary directory)
StatsDBScript=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/ldv-manager/results_schema.sql (should be extracted automatically)
StatsDBMigratesDir=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/ldv-manager/migrates (also!)
BackupDir=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/backupdir (is it really used?)
LDVInstalledDir=/home/ldv/ldv-tools/ (the only directory that we really should specify)
8. Start a server (it starts without any problems, hmm... I guess that it will fatally fail when it will find out absence of something needed...)
ldv@linuxtesting2:~/ldv-tools/bin$ ./ldv_server
9. Copy under root ldv online face.
root@linuxtesting2:/home/ldv# cp -r /home/ldv/ldv-tools/ldv-online/ldvwface /opt/drupal-6.15-0/apps/drupal/htdocs/ldvwface
10. Just by hand edit ldv-online page on linuxtesting2.org and point out a path to ldvwface/ldv_oline_service.php
11. Replace CONFIG_PLACE in ldvwface/ldv_oline_service.php with real config placement.
12. Open ldv/online and observe that it craches, log says that this is because of mysql connection failure.
13. Setup database ldv for ldv_user having password ldv@210 under root and flush privileges.
14. Upload statistics DB scheme by hand because of #1937
mysql -uldv_user -p ldv < /home/ldv/ldv-tools/ldv-manager/results_schema.sql
15. Add access to a temp directory for server
chmod 777 /home/ldv/ldv-tools/tmp/
16. After several attempts have a successfull results :)